Our Vision
Early detection of pathological risk factors not only increases the success rate of treatment, but also improves the patient's quality life, with a net reduction in treatment costs.
This is why we have developed non-invasive tests using the genetic and epigenetic profile of each patient for an early interception of pathologies using artificial intelligence

Our Technology
Chromodiag aims to develop a more personalized medecine and improve patient care
To that end it has specialized in 3 areas
Genetic analysis for pathology detection and patient follow-up using artificial intelligence
○ Developing preventive tests related to aging
○ Study of various molecules (food, cosmetics, radioelements) for therapeutic purposes

Training and consulting in the fields of medical biology, genetic toxicology and biological dosimetry
Our Sponsors

Our Team
Radhia M'kacher
Founder and CEO
Paris XI University, Gustave Roussy,
Patrice Carde
Research Associate
Gustave Roussy, Hartmann Clinic
Ahmed Said
Research Associate
Biologist, Sanofi, DNA Script,
Synhelix, Univercells
Wala Najar
Research Associate
Eric Jeandidier
Research Associate
Genetician Mulhouse Hospital
Former head of department